1. Jack: Hi, Ismael. How are you? Ismael: Hi, Jack. I'm OK, but I've got loads of 2. Jack: We don't know. We can't decide. There's that new 3. Jack: OK, well, there's a about a school. 4. Ismael: Oh, no more school, please! What about a ? 5. Jack: What? Really? No, I hate romantic films. I like 6. Ismael: Well, there's a new science fiction film, 'Alien attacks'. Jack: OK, I like Let's see that. 7. Ismael: At 8 o'clock. Let's meet at 7:30 the cinema. 8. Jack: OK. Ismael: Bye. you later​


Ответ дал: mataevaalmira24


go ahead with it for now so that I love for the sake and I love for the world to be able to 4.5 to 4.5 and to 4.5 the way that's not shy I'm not shy about it and I know that you are very busy with the new year and me 4.5 to be able and



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