5 ABOUT YOU Ask and answer the questions. 1 What do you think of spiders and insects? 2 What do you think is unpleasant? 3 Is it ridiculous to be scared of flying? 4 Are you scared of anything that isn't real? What?пжжжж​



Ответ дал: gulnarialiasikisyalo


1.What do you think of spiders and insects?

- Brr, I'm very scared of spiders and insects. For main reason that many insects or spiders actually can harm you.

2. What do you think is unpleasant?

- For me, the most unpleasant creature is a centipede. I can't even imagine anything more unpleasant.

3. Is it ridiculous to be scared of flying?

- Of couse not. I’m not scared of flying, but since I’m freaked out by other things (elevators, spiders, the dark), I know how it feels to be panicky and out of your comfort zone.

4. Are you scared of anything that isn't real? What?

- So, I know ghosts aren't real, but I'm scared of them when I'm alone and staying in the dark.

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