Choose the correct word. 3 Vocabulary: gestures . 1 If you nod/shake your head, that means you agree. 2 If you nod/shake your head, that means you don't agree. 3 If you wave / point, you use your hand to say hello or goodbye. 4 If you wave / point, you use your finger to show something. 5 If you shake / kiss someone, you use your mouth. 6 If you shake / touch hands, you say hello or goodbye with your hands. 76​


Ответ дал: Лусушка
1 If you nod your head, that means you agree.
2 If you shake your head, that means you don't agree.
3 If you wave, you use your hand to say hello or goodbye.
4 If you point, you use your finger to show something.
5 If you kiss someone, you use your mouth.
6 If you shake hands, you say hello or goodbye with your hands.
Ответ дал: Rainbowss

1. nod

2. shake

3. wave

4. point

5. kiss

6. shake

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