5 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous tense.
In December 1990, Jeri Cox Chastain who 1________________________ (work) at a hospital in South Carolina at the time, 2________________________ (leave) her office to get something to eat. When she returned, she 3________________________ (notice) that her wallet 4________________________ (be) missing. Someone probably 5________________________ (come) in and 6________________________ (take) it while she 7________________________ (get) her lunch. ‘I just assumed it was thrown in a dumpster somewhere’, she said.
But a few days ago, Jeri 8________________________ (receive) a call from the police saying that someone 9________________________ (return) her wallet. The money 10________________________ (not / be) there, but the wallet still contained all her credit cards and a photo of her son.


Ответ дал: alimova0116

Ответ:1. A: Where were you at 7 o’clock last night? I WAS TRYING to call you.


2. A: We WERE SWIMMING at the water park yesterday when dark clouds APPEARED in the sky.

B: That’s a shame.

3. DID you SEE the steppe when you visited Kazakhstan?

B: Yes, we WENT there on Wednesday. 4. A: When DID you READ that novel? B: Yesterday while I WAS SUNBATHING on the beach.


Ответ дал: anzubbor

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