Writing Task 3. How are weddings celebrated in Kazakhstan? Write about a wedding or another event (celebration/festival/ceremony) you have attended. Describe the wedding including some details about the wedding party and the guests, saying what impressed you the most (120-180 words). Use the following plan. a Introduction What is/was being celebrated? Why? Wh'en and where is/was it celebrated? (could also be Give brief included in the main part) introduction to set the How important is/was it? scene Who takes/took part? (could also be included in the main part Develop the important How is/was it celebrated? What preparations are/were involved? features of the What activities take/took place? celebration What did you see? Make a general | What is What is your overall opinion? statement How do/did you feel about it? Main part (2-3 paragraphs) Conclusion ​

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A wedding day is full of different emotions, it is the day of new beginnings and new life. Every nation has its own customs which they respect and appreciate in a high level, and WE decided to share some ceremonies during the celebration of Kazakh weddings.

The traditional Kazakh wedding includes several steps and very important processes: Syrga salu, KyzUzatu, NekeQiyu,Betashar. These events are celebrated noisily and last days, or even weeks. Kazakhs are hospitable nation, who like inviting great number of guests sharing their one of the most important events with relatives and friends, which left memories for years to come.

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