Read and choose A or B.
1 I like reading. I've got ......... books.
A a lot of
B much
2 How ................. milk do we need?
A many
B much
5 There is .......... cheese in the fridge.
A many
B a lot of
6 How ........... boys are there in your
A many
B much
3 There aren't
apples on the
7 We don't need
A many
A many
B much
......... olive oil.
B much
4 How .............. bread do we need?
A many
B much
8 There are
A a lot of
lemons in the bag.
B much


Ответ дал: IceFox20Anime


1 I like reading. I've got a lot of books.

2 How much milk do we need?

5 There is a lot of cheese in the fridge.

6 How many boys are there in your


3 There aren't many/a lot of apples on the trees.

7 We don't need much olive oil.

4 How much bread do we need?

8 There are a lot of lemons in the bag.

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