Choose the right option.
1. What (did you do/would you do)if you won a million pounds?
2. You (were/would be)healthier if you ate more fruit and vegetables.
3. I would do my homework quicker if I (spent/would spent)less time on the Internet.
4. If I were an author, I (wrote/would write)one book in a year.
5. My parents (wouldn't be pleased/wasn't pleased)if I (went/would go) to Africa.
6. I think I (would earn/earned)a lot of money if I (would be/were)a software engineer.
7. If I (would live/could live)anywhere in the world, I (chose/would choose) New Zealand.
8. If she (would know/knew) everything, she (would tell/will tell) us.


Ответ дал: mamatovsiran

Ответ:1) would you do

2) would be

3) spent

4) would write

5) wouldn't be pleased; went

6) would earn; were

7) could live; would choose

8) knew; would tell


dfg12345: в 5 последнее не would go а went
mamatovsiran: Извиняюсь
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