Переделайте прямую речь в косвенную:
1. The secretary says, "The press conference is taking place now in the main hall".
2. My brother said, "Aunt Sally will come on Monday ".
3. The students said, "We had two tests last week".
4. Her daughter said, "I am not listening to music now".
5. My friend says, "I have visited all these places".
6. Tom said, "I am a first year student now".

Костян115: AngiF ,могу ли я с тобой как нибудь связаться, через соц. сети
Костян115: мне нужна твоя помощь


Ответ дал: MainBrain123


1. The secretary says that the press conference is taking place now in the main hall.

2. My brother said that Aunt Sally would come on Monday.

3. The students said that they had had two tests the previous week.

4. Her daughter said that she was not listening to music then.

5. My friend says he has visited all these places.

6. Tom said that he was a first year student then.

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