СРОЧНО!! ДАМ 20 баллов!!
2. Упражнение на фразовый глагол «turn». Вставьте: on\off\in\into.
1. Turn _____the water, the bath is already full.
2. Water turned _____ ice.
3. I can hardly hear the TV. Can you turn it ____?
4. Our neighbours turned their old barn _____ the garage.
5. I don't know how to turn _____ the alarm!
6. I love this song! Turn it ____ and let’s dance!
7. Turn the lights ____ and I’ll bring in the birthday cake and candles.
8. Let’s turn ____ the air conditioning. It’s really hot.
9. Please don’t turn ____ the computer when you finish as Dad would like to use it.
10. Water turns _____ steam at 100ºC .
11. If you don't take care of your garden, it will turn _____ a jungle!
12. It's getting dark. Let's turn _____.


Ответ дал: ivanmironov012


1. off

2. in

3. on

4. into

5. off

6. on

7. off

8. on

9. on

10. off

11. off

12. on



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