Circle the correct indefinite pronouns in each sentence. ( пишите лише правильний займенник, обираєте один з двох) 1 Someone / Anyone saw Peter jogging along the river. 2 I think anyone / everyone knows about it. 3 There’s anything / nothing interesting on at the cinema. 4 She lost the keys and had somewhere / nowhere to go. 5 I’m afraid anyone / no one can help you. You have to solve the problem yourself. 6 Ben was bored, he didn’t know anyone / no one at the party. 7 Would you like to have everything / something sweet for dinner? 8 I haven’t seen Jim everywhere / anywhere. 9 Anything / Everything is finally clean. 10 Somewhere / Anywhere we travel, we can find someone who speaks English.


Ответ дал: Лусушка
1 someone
2 everyone
3 nothing
4 nowhere
5 no one
6 anyone
7 something
8 anywhere
9 everything
10 anywhere

1 Someone saw Peter jogging along the river. 2 I think everyone knows about it.
3 There’s nothing interesting on at the cinema.
4 She lost the keys and had nowhere to go.
5 I’m afraid no one can help you. You have to solve the problem yourself.
6 Ben was bored, he didn’t know anyone at the party.
7 Would you like to have something sweet for dinner?
8 I haven’t seen Jim anywhere.
9 Everything is finally clean.
10 Anywhere we travel, we can find someone who speaks English.
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