Task 3. Complete the sentences using Present Perfeet. 1) Jane Austen ___(write) some interesting books. 2) I ____(not read) all the Harry Potter books. 3) She already ___(see) that film. 4) Daniel___ (make) a movie of that story. 5) You have been here before? hoose the​


Ответ дал: Лусушка
1) Jane Austen has written some interesting books.
2) I haven’t read all the Harry Potter books. 3) She has already seen that film.
4) Daniel has made a movie of that story.
5) Have you been here before?

Чтобы образовать present perfect, пользуйтесь формулой have/has + v3

lisaplay49: это даже не то как бы, эм.
lisaplay49: ой
lisaplay49: все норм
Лусушка: Все выполнено по заданию. :)
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