5. A new mobile phone ... tomorrow. a) is bought b) is being bought c) will bought d) will be bought 6. Pure Italian coffee. in special restaurants only. a) is being sold b) is selled c) is sold d) is selling 7. I think this dish ... later. a) is served b) will be served c) will be serving d) is being served 8. The picture ... the whole month by my sister. a) was painting b) was being painted c) was painted d) would be painted​



Ответ дал: Лусушка
5. D (A new mobile phone WILL BE BOUGHT tomorrow.)
6. C (Pure Italian coffee IS SOLD in special restaurants only.)
7. B (I think this dish WILL BE SERVED later. )

8. B (The picture WAS BEING PAINTED the whole month by my sister.)

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