6. Посмотрите на картинки и напишите краткий ответ. 22 1. Is Teresa holding a comb? - Yes. she is. 2. Are they studying? - To Yeone 3. Is Frank carrying a big bag?. Les 4. Are they playing games?- nbe ne era S. ls Cr Rogers reaching a newspaper?-yes 6. Is Grandpa ? - 7. Посмотрите на таблицу. Напишите вопросы и краткие ответы. do a test drive write a letter make dinner play football meet friends + + + 1. we 2. Gina 3. Max 4. our parents 5. you and Pat 6. I + + + 1. we/ play football? - Are we playing football? - Yes, we are. 2. Gina / write a letter? - Giha in Werte a leten? 3. Max / drive? Marc La Muean, yerWe one 4. our parents / make dinner?;in pun pepeneo meike pren - Lok- 5. you and Pat /do a test?, is Yower ateskises ? - meet fMohas - Hot​



Ответ дал: mrrrrlllkk


6. 1. Yes, she is.

2.Yes, they are.

3.Yes, he is

4. No, they aren't.

5.No, he isn't.

6.Yes, he is.

7.1.Are we playing football? Yes, we are.

2.Is Gina writing a letter? No, she isn't.

3.Is Max driving? Yes, he is.

4.Are our parents making a dinner? No, they aren't.

5.Are you and Pet doing a test? Yes, we are.

6. Am I meeting friends? No, I am not

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