Помогите, нужно расставить артикли 
1. You see, _____ winter was _____ very bad time for
me, and I really had no money at all to buy _____ bread with. 2. _____ summer _____ drew to _____ end, and _____ early autumn.
3. It was pretty late in _____ autumn of _____ year when _____ declining sun, struggling through _____ mist which had obscured it all day, looked brightly upon _____ little Wiltshire village. 4.There was going to be _____ election soon, we all knew: this was _____ spring
of 1955. 5. It was _____ cold fall and _____ wind came down from _____


Ответ дал: олежик15лет

1) the, the, a

2)the, the end, the early autumn,

3)the, the, the, the, the Wiltshire village

4) the, the

5)a, the,the

k1sska71: спасибо!
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