ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous. 1. Mary _______(not / finish) her dinner when her husband ______ (come). 2. They _______ (drive) for two hours before they finally _______ (reach) their destination. 3. The girls ________ (be) frightened because they _______ (not / be) on a plane before. 4. He _______ (iron) all morning when his wife _______ (arrive). 5. How long _______ ( they/dance) in competitions before they retired? 6. John _____________ (do) his homework before he _____________ ( go) to the cinema.​


Ответ дал: wellywet
  1. didn't finish, came
  2. drove, reached
  3. were ,weren't
  4. ironed, arrived
  5. were they danced
  6. did, went
Ответ дал: Лусушка


1. Mary hadn't finished her dinner when her husband came.

2. They had been driving for two hours before they finally reached their destination.

3. The girls were frightened because they hadn't been on a plane before.

4. He had been ironing all morning when his wife arrived.

5. How long had they been dancing in competitions before they retired?

6. John had done his homework before he went to the cinema.​

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