СРОЧНО!!! помогите написать письмо! буду очень благодарен!



Ответ дал: 077feli


Hi Ben

I was so happy to receive letter from you. I hope you make peace with you mum.You ask me questions about helping parents and house work, so I will gladly answer them

In my opinion children should help their parents with housework, because parents work and get very tired, and when they come after work, they want to relax, and not do housework. Therefore, we should always help them, because it is not difficult for us to do this.Personally, I always wash the dishes and clean my room, I also help my mother cook dinner or load the washing machine. I really hate doing laundry and vacuuming, but I don't have a hard time doing it.

Well, I have to go, I hope my answer helpes you.Write back soon.

With love,


077feli: дай лучший ответ пожалуйста, нужно для нового уровня!!!
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