Think of famous person of the past and make notes under the heading: name , date of birth , place of birth , early years , later years , famous for , date of death Про принцессу Диану плис срочнооо дам 20 баловвв


Ответ дал: bikirienko


Diana Frances Sprencer was born on 1 July 1961 at Park House, Sandringham Norfolk, England

Diana was born at Park House, the home that her parents rented on Queen Elizabeth II's estate at Sandringham and

where Diana's childhood playmates were the queen's younger sons, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward. She was the third child and youngest daughter of Edward. Her parents' troubled marriage ended in divorce when Diana

was a child, and she, along with her brother and two sisters, remained with her father. She became Lady Diana Spencer when her father succeeded to the earldom

in 1975.

Diana was initially home-schooled under the

supervision of her governess, Gertrude Allen. She

began her formal education at Silfield Private School. She did not perform well academically, failing her O-levels twice. She showed a talent for music as an accomplished pianist. She also excelled in swimming and diving, and studied ballet and tap dance.

Through her marriage to Prince Charles, she joined one of the most famous families in the world and became an object of intense media interest. Diana's personal difficulties are well documented. However, to appreciate the accomplishments of Princess Diana we should not focus on these human weakness, which without exception, are common to us all. Diana had a sincere and genuine interest in other people. Her heart of sympathy

extended to many people, in whatever situation they were in. She often spent time visiting the homeless, or terminally ill patients in various hospices. True, these were often photographed, but this wasn't her motivation for seeing patients.

And on 31 August 1997, Diana died in a car crash in the

Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris while the driver was

fleeing the paparazzi.

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