I. Вставьте слова: similar, species, scientific, close, supports, common, include, relatives
1. It has become … for us to use the Internet.
2. Did you … me in the list?
3. There are many … of birds in the Moscow zoo.
4. Fred is a … friend of me.
5. We have … interests and habits.
6. My parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins are my …
7. Jack always … my ideas.
8. It is a … fact.
II. Вставьте: another, other, the other, others, the others
1. What … books by Charles Dickens have you read?
2. Here are only two magazines. Where are …?
3. I don’t like the red one. I prefer … colour.
4. I don’t like this place. Is there … café around here we could go to?
5. Give me ... pen.
6. You’ve met Linda, but I have ________ sister who you haven’t met.
7. The village is on ... side of the river.
8. I lost my watch, my pen and some ... things.
9. Five students went to the canteen and ........................ waited in the classroom.
10. Some people like rock, … classic classical music.
III. Напишите 3 формы глаголов и перевод.
hear, learn, make, say, tell, stand, win, fly, know
IV. Поставьте глаголы в Present Perfect continuous (Progressive)
1. Will that music never stop? It (play) for two hours.
2. Turn the TV set off. The children (watch) it since morning.
3. Mary is learning to play the piano. She (practice) since breakfast time.
4. He (live) in the USA for many years but he still can’t speak English properly.
5. I need a holiday. I (work) too hard for a long time.
6. Please, wake up Peter. He (sleep) for ten hours.
7. We (travel) for three days but we are still only halfway to London.


Ответ дал: Neko54


1) 1- common

2- include

3- species

4- close

5- similiar

6- relatives

7- supports

8- scientific

2) 1- other

2- the others

3- the other

4- another

5- another

6- another

7- the other

8- other

9- others

10- others

3) hear,heard,hearing - слышать

learn,learned,learning - учить

make,made,making - сделать

say,said,saying- говорить

tell,told,telling - сказать

stand,stood,standing - стоять

win,won,winning - выиграть

fly,flew,flying - летать

know,knew,knowing - знать

4) 1- It has been playing

2- have been watching

3- has been practicing

4- has been living

5- have been working

6- has been sleeping

7- have been travelling

все :)


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