1. Use the verbs in brackets in the Passive Voice:

1. Our pizzas(make) with fresh ingredients.

2. This book(write) by a very famous author

last year.

3. The letters (send) tomorrow.

4.Computer (use) in every family.

5.The house (paint) last month.

7. This room must (publish) next week.

2. Change the following sentences into Passive:

1.Mike showed the letter to his mother.

2. Jane locks the gate every night.

3.They will hold interviews in May.

4. He bought potatoes yesterday.

5.They sell milk in this shop.

6.They broke the window yesterday.

7.My friend will translate this book into Russian soon.​


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


1. Our pizzas is made with fresh ingredients.

2. This book was written by a very famous author  last year.

3. The letters will be sent tomorrow.

4.Computer is used  in every family.

5.The house was painted last month.

7. This room  must be published next week.


1. The letter was shown by Mike to his mother.

2. The gate is locked by Jane every night.

3. Interviews  will be held by them in May.

4. Potatoes  were bought by him yesterday.

5. Milk is sold  in this shop by them.

6. The window was broken by them yesterday.

7.  This book will be translated into Russian by my friend soon.​


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