Fill in the blanks.
1.HIV is the ....... that causes AIDS
2.The HIV virus enters the blood and attacks the body's......
3. You may get HIV during sexual ....
4.AIDS is the disease of the......
5.Untreated AIDS results in rapid .....
a)immume system
e)intercourse ​


Ответ дал: smyak0ppa

1d, 2a, 3e, 4b, 5c

1) HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

ВИЧ - это вирус, который вызывает СПИД.

2) The HIV virus enters the blood and attacks the body's immune system.

ВИЧ-инфекция проникает в кровь и атакует иммунную систему человека.

3) You may get HIV during sexual intercourse.

Вы можете заразиться ВИЧ во время полового акта.

4) AIDS is the disease of the world.

СПИД - мировая болезнь.

5) Untreated AIDS results in rapid death.

Невылеченный СПИД может привести к быстрой смерти.

Ответ дал: Лусушка
Fill in the blanks.
1) d HIV is the VIRUS that causes AIDS

2) a The HIV virus enters the blood and attacks the body's IMMUNE SYSTEM.

3 e You may get HIV during sexual INTERCOURSE.

4 b AIDS is the disease of the WORLD.

5 c Untreated AIDS results in rapid DEATH.

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