Complete the interview with the questions.


B: The old City of London was rather dirty.


B: The disease was spread by flens from infected rats. A:

B: The old City of London caught fire on September 2, 1666.

A: B: The fire started in the house of the king's baker's in Pudding



B: The fire caused only great destructions.


B: Londoners rebuilt the city.​


Ответ дал: smyak0ppa

A: What was the old City of London?

B: The old City of London was rather dirty.

A: How was the plague spread?

B: The disease was spread by flens from infected rats.

A: When did the old City of London catch fire?

B: The old City of London caught fire on September 2, 1666.

A: Where did the fire start?

B: The fire started in the house of the king's baker's in Pudding Lane.

A: What did the fire cause?

B: The fire caused only great destructions.

A: What did the londoners do after the fire?

B: Londoners rebuilt the city.​

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