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Ответ дал: Flibbie


1. disappeared 2. will continue 3. receiving 4. for 5. of 6. faced 7. worse 8. disappearing 9. its 10. Without 11. on 12. don't have 13. their 14. them 15. the 16. contain 17. less 18. must

    In the last fourty years, half of the world's rainforests disappeared. If this will continue, millions of species, animals and plants will become extinct.

    Rainforests grow in countries near the equator. They receiving 2 metres - 10 metres of rain every year. There have been rainforests on Earth for over 75 million years. Half of all the species of butterflies, birds, flowers, trees and insects live in rainforests. Fifty species become extinct every day.  The world's rainforests faced a total disaster. Some scientists say it's even worse than the effects of a nuclear war.

    But it's not just a question disappearing tribes, trees and species. It's a question of climate, too. Our planet needs rainforests to control its temperature. Without them, the Greenhouse Effect will just get worse and worse.

    It's impossible to stop rainforest destruction completely. Too many countries - rich and poor - depend on it. The people in the Third World don't have enough land to grow food for their families. 250 million of them are destroying the rainforest simply to live. Modern life in the First World depends on rainforest products, too. These include minerals, wood, rubber, medicine (for 25 % of all medecines contain rainforests products).

    But it is possible to make this problem less serious. To do this, Governments have to plan and work together.

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