30 предложений на the


Ответ дал: Kilpoper228


London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

She was sitting near the river.

When he came there was no one in the house.

He wants to see the film.

Tom is sitting in the room and reading a book. The book is very interesting.

He is washing his car, the car is very dirty.

He is going to live in the South.

The sun is far away from the Earth.

We saw a dog in the street; the dog was black and white.

There are many trees in the park.

The sun is shining, it is very hot.

We can see the moon and many stars in the night.

London is the capital of the United Kingdom.

She was sitting near the river.

When he came there was no one in the house.

He wants to see the film.

Tom is sitting in the room and reading a book. The book is very interesting.

He is washing his car, the car is very dirty.

He is going to live in the South.

The sun is far away from the Earth.

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