Rewrite the sentences in the passive form.

1) Jack cuts the grass every day

2) Mr. Smith opened a new shop.

3) Pupils didn't make mistakes.

4) My neighbour plays music loudly.

5) My father doesn't bake cakes.

6) Peter will fix the computer in two days.

7) Nick didn't do his homework..

8) Miss Techer sells vegetables in the market.

9) The teacher closed the windows.

10) Mary lost the letter.

11) Somebody built that house in 1996.​


Ответ дал: coollhihi1
1) Grass is cut by Jack every day.
2) A new shop was opened by Mr.Smith
3) Mistakes weren’t made by Pupils.
4) Music is played loudly by my neighbor.
5) Cakes aren’t baked by my father.
6) The computer will be fixed by Peter in two days.
7) Homework wasn’t done by Nick...
8) Vegetables are sold by Miss Techer I’m the market.
9) The windows were closed by the teacher.
10) The letter was lost by Mary.
11) That house was built by somebody in 1996.

xfiiis: thx
xfiiis: tysm
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