вставьте слова
Make off, get away with, give up, hand over, make for, break into, hold up

The Bank Robbery Yesterday, robbers …. (forced an entry into) the National Midland Bank in the High Street soon after closing time. They ….. (threatened with guns) the staff, and forced the manager to … (give them) $ 50000 in cash. The robbers ran out of the bank and … (escaped) in a stolen car, and were last seen …. (going in the direction of) the London Road. Police have warned the public that these men are very dangerous, and are unlikely to …. (surrender) without a fight. Chief Inspector Ralph Smith said: ”We’re sure that we’ll catch them soon. They won’t …. (avoid punishment for) it.​


Ответ дал: atsuri

The Bank Robbery

Yesterday, robbers broke into (forced an entry into) the National Midland Bank in the High Street soon after closing time. They held up (threatened with guns) the staff, and forced the manager to hand over (give them) $ 50000 in cash. The robbers ran out of the bank and made off (escaped) in a stolen car, and were last seen making for (going in the direction of) the London Road. Police have warned the public that these men are very dangerous, and are unlikely to give up (surrender) without a fight. Chief Inspector Ralph Smith said: ”We’re sure that we’ll catch them soon. They won’t get away with (avoid punishment for) it.​

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