Английский язык лексико-грамматический практикум 5 класс страница 90-92 #7,8,11



Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
3 Which of them ..
4. Which of us. ..
5. Who...
6. Which of them ..
8. Who...
9. Which of ..
10.Who comes home.
8.2. Is Rome the capital of Italy or France?
3. Are there 33 or 32 letters in Russian alphabet?
Did you stay in hotels or in hostels when you went abroad last year?
5.Is Moscow a big city or a little town?
6.Did Len usually had han sandwiches or boiled eggs when he was a student?
7.Do they usually take Spanish or Chinese lessons in summer?
8.Could you see interesting films or interesting shows when you were on holidays?
9. Do seahorses swim in seas or in rivers?
10. Can Doris speak English or Italian well?
11.2...., didn't he? 3.don't we? 4. ..., isn't there? 5...., didn't they? 6...., is he? 7.did she? 8...., didn't they? 9...., don't they? 10...., am not I?

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