Помогите найти ключевые слова для пересказа The next day, there is a letter from the palace. The Tsar is inviting everyone in the land, rich and poor, to a big feast. “A feast! We must go!” says the old man. “Me, too?” asks Ivanushka. “Come on, silly boy!” says Andrei. “But don’t get in everyone’s way!” says Sergei. So, the old farmer and his three sons go to the palace. It is a wonderful feast. They eat from gold plates and drink from mugs. There is delicious food, and music and dancing. Everyone is very happy! At the end of the feast, the princess starts to serve a honey drink to all the guests. She serves Ivanushka and sees the bandage on his hand. She looks at the poor farmer’s son. He is wearing old clothes but he has got an honest face and a warm smile. “What is wrong with your hand, good man?” she asks. “Please, let me look at it.”

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One day, the old man and his three sons came to the tsar's feast. The feast was wonderful. But while the princess was serving everyone the honey drink, she noticed a bandage on the hand of one of the old man's sons. She saw he was wearing old clothes. But he had an honest face and a warm smile. She asked what was wrong with his hand and wanted to look it.

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