Homework. Ask your family what places they have visited outside of Uzbekistan. Ask them the following questions: Спросите членов своей семьи, какие места они посетили за пределами Узбекистана. Задайте им следующие вопросы:
1 What's the name of the country?
4 What clothes did you wear?
2 What's the name of the money?
5 How did you travel there?
3 What's the weather like?
6 What did you see?
помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!​


Ответ дал: lovemepouls


1.We visit Russia

4.comfortable for us clothes


5.on the train


6.The most beautiful Red Square

Думаю верно

botiralievmurodjon: спс
botiralievmurodjon: спасибо большое
sodiqjonakramov6: маладец
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