Поставити речення у Present Simple або Present Continuous
1) You can't see Tim now he (to can't see Tim now he (to have) a bath.
2) Please keep quiet, I (to listen) to the radio now
3) My mother (to go) at work every day.
4) He always (to drink) a cup of tea for breakfast
5) He (to drink) some juice now.
6) A reporters (to choose) the best stories every day
7) A driver (to deliver) newspapers to the shop now.
8) A secretary (to type) the messages every day


Ответ дал: polinkaradchenko1234


You are can't seeing Tim now he is having a bath

Please keep quiet, I am listening to the radio noe

My mother goes at work every day

He always drinks a cup of tea for breakfast

He is drinking some juice now

A reporters choose the best stories every day

A driver is delivering newspapers to the shop now

A secretary types the massages every day

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