2) Look at the prompts and
make sentences using (not)
as...as to compare the city and
1 air/ fresh
2 houses/large
3 roads/quiet
4 nightlife / exciting
5 education / good
6 people / hard-working
7 lifestyle / stressful
8 people / fashionable
9 scenery / peaceful
10 transport / crowded


Ответ дал: TatyanaNT


  1. Air in the city is not as fresh as in the countryside.
  2. Houses in the countryside are not as large as in the city.
  3. Roads in the city are not as quiet as in the countryside.
  4. Nightlife in the countryside is not as exciting as in the city.
  5. Education in the countryside is not as good as in the city.
  6. People in the countryside are as hard-working as in the city.
  7. Lifestyle in the countryside is not as stressful as in the city.
  8. People in the countryside are not as fashionable as in the city.
  9. Scenery in the city is not as peaceful as in the countryside.
  10. Transport in the countryside is not as crowded as in the city.


Аноним: Если не сложно,ответь на 2 вопрос,пжпжпжпжпж,а так спасибо,очень благодарен!!!
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