Раскройте скобки, чтобы получилось правильное предложение. Вставленные глаголы подчеркните.
1. If you (leave) at two, you will be there before dark.
2. When he is drowning, a man (clutch) at any straw.
3. If only Greg (can) get some favourable shock, that's what would do it!
4. You (can) do it if you try.
5. If we (not go) to your friend's party, I never (meet) Alan.
6. If train fares (be) cheaper, more people (use) them.
7. If Molly (get) that job she's applied for, she will be delighted.
8. It (be) a disaster if it the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.
9. If the talks (be broken) down again, there (be) a war between the two countries
10. If Ali (know) anything about mechanics at that time, I'm sure she (help) us.
11. He (have) a bad accident last Friday if he (not / drive) more carefully.


Ответ дал: egorkosko3112


1)If you leave at two, you will be there before dark.

2)When he is drowning, a man clutches (или will clutch) at any straw.

3)If only Greg could get some favourable shock, that's what would do it!

4)You can do it if you try.

5) If we hadn't gone to your friend's party, I would have never met Alan.

6) If train fares were cheaper, more people would use them.

7) If Molly gets that job she's applied for, she will be delighted.

8) It would have been a disaster if the explosion had happened in the middle of the day.

9) If the talks were broken down again, there would be a war between the two countries.

10) If Ali had known anything about mechanics at that time, I'm sure she would have helped us.

11)He would have had a bad accident last Friday if he hadn't driven more carefully.

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