помогите срочно!! 10 предложений презент пёрфикт и таки еже паст симпл. В зарание спасибо :-)


Ответ дал: Ilyuza1997

Present Perfect:
I already bought milk.
I have never been to China.
I have cleaned my room.
I have become a millionaire,
I have not had breacfast yet.
I have done my lessons.
We have not seen her for a long time.
Grandmother with grandfather have already visited their grandchildren.
I have not been in Africa.
He has done everything for her.

Ilyuza1997: Past Simple"
Yesterday I studed.
My aunt was very depressed last Sunday.
The house was not clean.
She was tired and hungry.
She wasn’t in the office
I wasn’t exhausted
I called her yesterday
We arrived late
Ilyuza1997: They were in a traffic jam
I was frustrated
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