10 предложений про школы в Великобритании​


Ответ дал: sunshinekittygirl

Ответ: The schools in Britain are great. They come in the form of boarding schools and ordinary. in boarding schools, students live and study, have fun and eat. I think this is a good form of learning to make new friends and be independent. Boarding schools have deans and a one school uniform for each school. Children from different countries can study in these schools. They usually have 6-7 lessons with a lunch break per hour. They have many events, traditions, holidays, and there are associations of interests. There, students can find friends with the same hobbies. I think it's very cool to study at such a school.

Объяснение: я писала про британские школы-интернаты.

tokarevk037: ладно так тоже норм
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