8 предложений на тему "мой любимый вид спорта" на английском языке (с переводом) мне нужна Гимнастика


Ответ дал: altynaia085

Ответ:I have been going to gymnastics for over five years.

Every morning my whole family does morning exercises.

My mom does gymnastics with me every morning. My sister doesn't like to do gymnastics in the morning. He does gymnastics every day.My favorite sport is gymnastics.I think gymnastics is the strongest sport for me.Because it is very useful for our muscles and others.


Ответ дал: doctormadinayoqubova


My favourite sport is gymnastics. When I go to gymnastics, people both lose weight and enjoy themselves , I think gymnastics is one of the best sports

Объяснение: Перевод

Мой любимый вид спорта --гимнастика, когда я занимаюсь гимнастикой, люди и худеют, и получают удовольствие ,Я думаю гимнастика один из лучших видов спорта

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