make a mini story используя слова after that,then,so you, really?, first как ты проводили выходные с друзьями ВСЕ СЛОВА ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ​ не большой учить надо ещё


Ответ дал: wwfotosh


A mini story about how I spent the weekend with friends.

It was Sunday, April 3 - it would seem that calendar spring had already come a long time ago. But when I woke up and looked out the window, it was winter again. Really? All the trees were covered with a white veil, there was a lot of snow. And I decided to invite my friends for a spring-winter walk. First of all, we made a snowman. After that, we started playing snowballs. I asked my friend - So you wanted to celebrate your birthday in the park with the bright sun? Well, you're out of luck this year. Then we laughed and played for a long time.

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