1. your sister / brother ____ blue eyes?
yes, she/he ____
2. _____your parents_____grey hair? _____they_____
3. ____ a dog_____ four legs?
____ it ____
4. _____you and your friends____ big ears?
_____we _____!
5. _____tigers______ big teeth?
там где прочерки нужно вставить какие то слова , я хз какие, помогите плиииз​


Ответ дал: moonshine70

1. has your sister/brother blue eyes?

yes, she/he has

2. have your parents grey hair? yes, they have

3. has a dog four legs?

yes, it has

4. have you and your friends big ears?

no, we haven't

5. have tigers big teeth?

yes, they have

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