British children have different opinions about free time activities.
What do they think about the following activities? Fill in the gaps with the correct word in brackets. Translate the sentences.
0) The film was boring, (boring/bored)
Фильм был скучный.
1) I think horse racing is very . (thrilling/thrilled)
2) I'm not very in darts, (interested/interesting)
3) I went to a rugby match yesterday. It was great and I was .
(excited /exciting)
4) Dan and I went to the cinema last night. We didn't like the film and were very • (bored /boring)
5) History is an subject, (interested/interesting)
6) On Wednesday I have six lessons and a drama club. It is a very day at school, (tired/tiring)


Ответ дал: irbisyonokk


1. I think horse racing is very thrilling. — Думаю, лошадиные скачки очень захватывающие.

2. I'm not very interested in darts. — Я не особо интересуюсь дартс.

3. I went to a rugby match yesterday. It was great and I was excited. — Я вчера ходил на матч по регби. Это было круто, я в восторге.

4. Dan and I went to the cinema last night. We didn't like the film and were very bored. — Мы с Дэном вчера вечером ходили в кино. Фильм нам не понравился, было скучно.

5. History is an interesting subject. — История — интересный предмет.

6. On Wednesday I have six lessons and a drama club. It is a very tiring day at school. — В среду у меня шесть уроков и драм-кружок. Это очень утомительный день в школе.


1. thrilling — захватывающий; thrilled — в восторге.

2. interested — заинтересованный; interesting — интересный.

3. excited — в восторге; exciting — завораживающий.

4. bored — скучающий; boring — скучный.

5. interested — заинтересованный; interesting — интересный.

6. tired — уставший; tiring — утомительный.

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