III. Put the verbs into Passive
1. It was winter and I IMPRESS by the amount of snow.
2. He dropped his phone – the screen BREAK and the phone was obviously dead.
3. I checked the window - it CLOSE.
4. The diagrams on the screen DRAW in different colours.
5. A cold wind blew and everything COVER with snow.
6. The cake DECORATE with chocolates and jellies.
7. Alison took her jewellery box from the table. The box MAKE of wood.
8. They looked around. There were old BOX and cans on the ground. Several
branches BREAK.
9. They SEND to the house of an old professor who lived in a country.
10. It was very cold out-of-doors and everything COVER in snow.
11. The guitar MAKE of wood, not plastic and Dana liked the way it sounded.
12. It was her ONE job. The company CALL 'Imagination'
13. The test was really long - the tasks PRINT on both sides of page.
14. She was looking at the magazine where an article about the competition
15. You EMPLOY by Mr Green only a week ago as far as I remember.
16. I ARREST at the railway station two hours ago.
17. Soon, everything PACK and he started to get dressed.
18. Michael war really surprised to find out that the ONE personal computer
INVENT in the 70's of the last century.
19. The house BUILD by Simon himself, with a bit of help from his friends.
20. St Andrew's University in Scotland BUILD 600 years ago.


Ответ дал: mvarukha


1. i was impressed

2. was broken

3. it was closed

4. were drawn

5. was covered

6. was decorated

7. was made

8. boxes/were broken

9. were sent

10. was covered

11. was made

12. first/was called

13. were printed

14. was published

15. was employed

16. i was arrested

17. was packed

18. first/was invented

19. was built

20. was built

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