НУжно рассказать это в третьем лице Ten people from my District are going to do to the jamboree in 2015 . i can wait. were going to fly from london to Yamaguchi in Japan with stopovers in Paris and Tokyo, then were going to travel by coach to Kirara-hama, which will be the site of the 23 rd world scout jamboree.Well be at the Jamboree for ten days and I think it is going to be amazing.
Учебник комарова 7 класс страница 103 про саймона. Пожалуйста можно побыстрее у меня урок через 1 час 30 мин


Ответ дал: rosiyaizrossiyi


Ten people from his District are going to do to the jamboree in 2015 . he can wait. they were going to fly from london to Yamaguchi in Japan with stopovers in Paris and Tokyo, then were going to travel by coach to Kirara-hama, which will be the site of the 23 rd world scout jamboree. they Well be at the Jamboree for ten days and he think it is going to be amazing.

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