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Ответ дал: moonshine70

296. she said Tom will leave the next day (2)

297. Andrew said his sister going to visit him the following week(2)

298. James said his boss wanted him to go to london the following day(2)

welterwelter704: Thanks you very much
Ответ дал: irbisyonokk


296. She said Tom was leaving the next day.

297. Andrew said his sister was going to visit him the following week.

298. James said his boss wanted him to go to london the following day.


При трансформации прямой речи в косвенную в прошедшем времени (с помощью said, asked etc.):

  • личные местоимения первого лица переходят в третье: my → his, me → him;
  • tomorrow → next day;
  • необходимо согласование времён: is leaving → was leaving, is coming → was going to.

welterwelter704: thanks
welterwelter704: Вы ещё будете решать
Вас заинтересует