Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!Дам 20баллов!!!YOUR OPINIONS Ask and answer the questions
1)What actions against supermarkets does the text suggest? Do you think they are likely to be effective?
2) Which piece of information in the text shocks you most?
3) Could you be a freegan? Why/Why not?
4)How much food do your family and friends throw away? Why?
5) How do you feel about eating fruit and vegetables that are not perfect? Why?



Ответ дал: zAgroSchoolnik

Второй вариант ответа для 3-пункта:

Yes, I would like to join the ranks of freegans, because I am outraged when supermarket owners throw away food that is quite suitable for consumption in a very ridiculous way.

Второй вариант ответа для 5-пункта:

I don't like slightly spoiled fruits and vegetables, I have very sensitive taste buds and nose, and I'm sick of the stale smell.


umikogaca92: Уже поздно, но все равно спасибо
zAgroSchoolnik: ^^
amanzholamir2008: спасибо
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