рассказ на английском про Исака Ньютона от 3 до 6 предложений не больше​


Ответ дал: haritonovaana136


Isaac Newton (1642–1727) is an outstanding English scientist, one of the founders of classical physics. Newton's biography is rich in every sense of the word. He made many discoveries in the field of physics, astronomy, mechanics and mathematics, including the discovery of the law of universal gravitation.

artembogdanov621: спасибо
haritonovaana136: не за что)
Ответ дал: memures

Ответ:Isaac Newton was one of the world's greatest scientists. He did research in mathematics, physics, astronomy and many other fields.

Newton was born in 1642. He worked on his family's farm but was not really interested in farming. His father died before Isaac was born. In his childhood he spent much time with his grandmother. Newton didn't have many friends and never married.


memures: Тут конечно больше, но надеюсь, что нормально ^_^
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