Запишіть такі
речення в заперечній та питальній
1. I have seen some new films since we saw each other last. 2. My friend had
read some books of this author before he entered the Institute. 3. I’ll have
finished this work by 7 o’clock. 4. I have never got a bad mark at the exam. 5. The group will have carried out the plan by the 1-st of November.


Ответ дал: strocukbogdan7


1. I have not seen some new films since we saw each other last . Have I seen some new films since we saw each other last?

2. My friend had not read some books of this author before he entered the Institute


Може чимось і допоміг

flintme: Ещё бы 3,4,5 предложения помог, было бы супер
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