survived ( grow ( feast ( reached ( hunt for ( start ( settled in 1 Every year on Thanksgiving, Americans have a ...................................................... in remembrance of the Pilgrims’ first harvest. 2 They ......................................... an area not far from the coast. 3 The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to .................................... crops such as corn. 4 They didn’t know how to ................................ food, but the Native Americans helped them. 5 Not many Pilgrims ................................... the winter during their first year in America. 6 When they settled in America, they decided to .................................... a town that they called Plymouth. 7 The Pilgrims sailed for 66 days before they ............................................ land.​


Ответ дал: wirralriddler

1 Every year on Thanksgiving, Americans have a feast in remembrance of the Pilgrims’ first harvest. 2 They settled an area not far from the coast. 3 The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to grow crops such as corn. 4 They didn’t know how to hunt for food, but the Native Americans helped them. 5 Not many Pilgrims survived the winter during their first year in America. 6 When they settled in America, they decided to start a town that they called Plymouth. 7 The Pilgrims sailed for 66 days before they reached land.

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