This singer is very successful. She is the _____ in America.
2. I think she is (talented) _____ than that actress.
3. This actor is very funny. He is the _____ actor in the world.
4. This film isn’t very funny. I expected it to be _____.
5. She is a very rich woman. She is one of the _____ women in the world.
6. This car is (fast) _____ than that car.
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Ответ дал: Лусушка


This singer is very successful. She is the most successful in America.

2. I think she is more talented than that actress.

3. This actor is very funny. He is the funniest actor in the world.

4. This film isn’t very funny. I expected it to be funnier.

5. She is a very rich woman. She is one of the richest women in the world.

6. This car is faster than that car.


Сравнительная степень прилагательных (comparative degree) используется, когда мы сравниваем несколько предметов:

  • для коротких прилагательных мы добавляем окончание -er.
  • для длинных прилагательных мы добавляем слово more.

Превосходная степень прилагательных (superlative degree) нужна для того, чтобы выделить один объект среди други (для того, чтобы сказать что он "самый..."

  • для коротких прилагательных добавляем артикль the и окончание -est
  • для длинных прилагательных добавляем the most.

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