6* Intentions or personal arrangements

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Present

Continuous or going to. It's December and this is what


(1) 'm going to do (do) in the New Year: 1(2) * n * cos np - b * 0 first of all (go) to the school gym more often. I (3) m meeting (meet) Mr Simpson, the sports teacher,

after school on Monday.He (plan) some sports

exercises for me and I'll do them. Secondly, I (5) (eat) less in

the New Year. My doctor (6) (help) me with this - I hope! I

(7) (see) him next Monday at two o'clock and I'll ask him about food. Thirdly, 1 (8) (do) my homework for two hours every evening.

We (9)

tomorrow and I (10) to do my homework.

Hills Con

(get) a new computer

(use) it​



Ответ дал: bil687


Planning, eating, helped, saying, doing, got, using.

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