1. Read the sentences and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 1 You don't need to wear anything special to the party tonight. Most people will wear clothes. A curly 2 I don't like wearing clothes. I like plain colours. A colourful B skinny B casual C tight C dyed 3 Why don't you your jacket? It's very hot in here. A dress up 4 I think you should these jeans before you buy them. They might not be your size. A try on 5 If you want to be an amazing football player, you have to every day. A train B tie up C take off C hang up B put on B take up C take part 6 All the in the stadium were wearing the colours of their team. B final C spectators A match 7 If my team plays well, I'm sure we'l team today! -your C score B beat A win 8 Where did you. better than me! how to swim? You're much B go C learn A play 8 marks​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211


1 B

2 A

3 C

4 A

5 A

6 C

7 B

8 C


1 casual clothes - обычная, повседневная одежда

2 colourful clothes - разноцветная одежда

3 take off a jacket - снять пиджак (куртку)

4 try on smth - примерить что-либо

5 train every day - тренироваться каждый день

6 spectators - зрители

7 beat a team - победить / обыграть команду

8 learn how to ... - научиться (делать что-то)

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