Vocabulary A. Complete the dialogues with the words in the boxes.
gate aisle passport pass suitcase hand luggage departures board
Check-in agent :Good afternoon. Passenger: Is this where I check in for the flight to Berlin?
Check-in agent Yes. Can I have your 1. please?
Passenger Here you are.
Check-in agent Thank you. Is that all your baggage?
Passenger Yes, and I've got this bag for 2 Is it small enough to take on board?
Check-in agent It looks fine.
Passenger Is it possible for me to have a window seat?
Check-in agent I'm afraid we only have 3 seats
Passenger Never mind.
Check-in agent Did you pack the 4. yourself?​


Ответ дал: speaknorm


gate // aisle // passport // pass // suitcase // hand luggage // departures board

Check-in agent: Good afternoon.

Passenger:  Is this where I check in for the flight to Berlin?

Check-in agent: Yes. Can I have your passport please?

Passenger: Here you are.

Check-in agent: Thank you. Is that all your baggage?

Passenger: Yes, and I've got this bag for hand luggage Is it small enough to take on board?

Check-in agent: It looks fine.

Passenger: Is it possible for me to have a window seat?

Check-in agent: I'm afraid we only have aisle seats

Passenger: Never mind.

Check-in agent: Did you pack the suitcase  yourself?


На будущее: пожалуйста, копируй заданее корректно, либо прикрепляй фото. Очень сложно было разобраться, что требовалось сделать, и что-то подсказывает, что задание записано неполностью. :)

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