Побудуйте правильно речення з використанням Past Perfect Tense.
1. What time ... the participants ... (to arrive) at the conference last Wednesday? — They ... (to arrive) by nine o’clock in the morning.
2. How many clients ... he ...(to serve)by the end of the day? — He ...(to serve) twelve clients.
3. ... the performance ... (to finish) by nine o’clock yesterday? — No, it ....

4. 5.
7. 8. 9.
Unfortunately Samantha ... (never to use) this computer program before. Whom ... Robert ... (to see) during his last visit to our town? — He ... (to
meet) some of his friends and relatives.
What hotel ... you ... (to choose) to stay at during your last trip? — I ... (to
stay) at the Hilton Hotel.
Pam ... (to have) such an experience before.
... Steve ... (to be) to our Theme Park before this visit? — Yes, he ... . Which street... they ... (to live) before they moved? — They ... (to live) in
Oak Street.
10. By what time ... your grandparents ... (to finish) their work in the garden
yesterday? — They ... (to finish) their work by six o’clock.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj
:. What time did the participants arrive at...? They had arrived by nine o'clock in the morning. 2. How many clients had he served by the end of the day? He had served twelve clients. Had the performance finished by nine o'clock yesterday?-No, it hadn't. Unfortunately Samantha has never used this program before. Whom did Robert see during his last visit to our town? He met some of his friends and relatives.What hotel did you choose to stay at during your last trip? I stayed at the Hilton Hotel. Pam has had such an experience before. Had Steve been to our Theme Park before this visit? Yes, he had. Which street had they lived before they moved? They had lived in Oak Street. By what time had your grandparents finished their work in the garden yesterday? They had finished their work by six o'clock.


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