помогите пожалуйста даю все баллы что есть 1)Вставьте предлоги времени и места: They got married ...last March, Thanksgiving,... lunchtime, ... the 1970s, ... 12 March 1991, ... October,... winter, ... the evening, ... Sunday, ... 11.45, ... the future, ... the moment, ... next Friday, ... the 19th century,... 7 o'clock.​



Ответ дал: Пеппер

They got married in last March,

Thanksgiving lunchtime,

in the 1970s,

on 12 March 1991,

in October,

in winter,

in the evening,

on Sunday,

at 11.45,

in  the future,

at the moment,

next Friday,

in  the 19th century,

at 7 o'clock.​

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